Advanced options

Advanced options

The Blockfrost platform accepts the following advanced options:

--server-address <SERVER_ADDRESS> Default:

--server-port <SERVER_PORT> Default: 3000

--network <NETWORK> (required) Possible values: mainnet, preprod, preview, sanchonet

--log-level <LOG_LEVEL> Default: info Possible values: debug, info, warn, error, trace

--node-socket-path <NODE_SOCKET_PATH> (required)

--mode <MODE> Default: compact Possible values: compact, light, full

--solitary Run in solitary mode, without registering with the Icebreakers API Conflicts with —secret and —reward-address

--secret <SECRET> Required unless —solitary is present Conflicts with —solitary Requires —reward-address

--reward-address <REWARD_ADDRESS> Required unless —solitary is present Conflicts with —solitary Requires —secret

--help Print help information

--version Print version information