Running the platform from your command line
Now that you have the Blockfrost platform binary, you can run it:
blockfrost-platform [OPTIONS] --network <NETWORK> \
--node-address <NODE_ADDRESS> \
--secret <SECRET> \
--reward-address <REWARD_ADDRESS>
For the full list of the command line options, run blockfrost-platform --help
Setting up systemd for your instance
Running it from command line is a good way of testing your new binary, however, as you want your instance
be up and running accross the reboots, we recommend you setup a systemd
service for it.
First, we need to create a bash script file that will serve as a startup script for the Blockfrost platform,
we can call it for example
with a content similar to an example below.
Please note, this is just an example and you need to modify it to fit your use case. It won’t work if you just copy paste it.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# You can modify these variables for your specific setup
# NETWORK=mainnet
/usr/local/bin/blockfrost-platform --network ${NEWORK:=mainnet} \
--node-address ${NODE_ADDR:=} \
--secret $SECRET \
--reward-address $REWARD_ADDR
Create a new blockfrost-platform.service
file and add this to it:
Description = Blockfrost Platform
Wants =
After =
User = <$USER>
Type = simple
WorkingDirectory = <$HOME>/blockfrost-platform
ExecStart = /bin/bash -c '<$HOME>/cardano-platform/'
ExecReload = pkill -HUP blockfrost-platform
KillSignal = SIGINT
RestartKillSignal = SIGINT
TimeoutStopSec = 300
LimitNOFILE = 32768
Restart = always
RestartSec = 5
SyslogIdentifier = blockfrost-platform
WantedBy =